Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Build Bigger Arms

This is from the blog "The Blog of Jimmy Smith"  at tips.  #7 is my favorite.

13 Tips to Build Bigger Arms:

1. Realize that your triceps account for about 65% of your total arm size and work on them more. Personally my triceps recover quicker then my biceps so I have zero problem with training them twice a week.
2. I’ve found that my arms respond best when I train them twice per week. More volume leads to more growth. Hit them with high reps on one day and lower reps on another day.

3. Keep it simple. Close grip bench press, dips and skullcrushers rock for triceps and bicep curls and close grip pull-ups are the best for biceps. Get used to them and do it often if you want bigger arms.

4. Finish off your arm workouts with higher reps cable work. It brings more blood to your arms and helps with active recovery. Best of all, it makes your arms look bigger instantly.
5. Train your forearms. Seriously, people ignore that they’ll enhance size in your biceps just like increasing the size of your shoulders will make your triceps look huge from the side.

6. When in doubt, train your arms on the same day. If you want bigger arms then your entire goal at least once a week must be to hit them together.

7. Strive to increase your pull-up and bench press numbers. If you get stronger there then your arms have to grow.

8. Don’t waste your time on silly old-school movements like concentration curls and kickbacks.

9. Make sure to not let the weight snap down. A controlled eccentric is fantastic trick to rapidly build bigger arms.

10. Make it a point to train your arms with reps around four to six. They’ll do nothing but help increase the size and strength there.
11. Keep your sets around nine for the biceps and nine for the triceps. Ignore the magazine workouts of fifteen set bicep blitzes.

12. Learn to love not being able to move your arms for a day or two after you train them.

13. If you want bigger arms then you’ll have to eat big on the day that you train them. No if, ands or buts about it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blast away Fat

Step up your cardio with interval training to blast away fat! Check out these bullet points from an article found at Mens Fitness online:

Boost your cardio with intervals and torch more calories by Elyse Dupre.

Cardio is the cornerstone to any good weight-loss plan—especially intervals, where you alternate going as fast as possible with brief periods of recovery. To help you make those sprints as effective as possible, we asked Phil Campbell, an interval-training expert and author of Ready, Set, Go! Fitness for his best fat-burning tips.


  • "You want to take your heart rate up progressively," Campbell says, "Focus on large muscles like the hamstrings and quads. Try ankle circles, knee circles, some light hip stretches—they all get your muscles and ligaments prepared to fire faster."

Time Your Sprints

  •  "The key is to get totally winded in 30 seconds or less," he says, "If you're on a treadmill [or an exercise bike], start sprinting as the machine speeds up. When it reaches top speed, go all out for 30 seconds. Then slow it down and go nice and easy for 90 seconds to recover." If you're running outside, try to cover about 200 feet—roughly half a city block—as fast as possible. Walk slowly for 90 seconds to cool down, then repeat your course.

Straighten Up

  • Almost everyone leans forward when they work out on a cardio machine. This lets you use gravity to pull you forward, making the effort a bit easier. "If you stay upright during your sprints," Campbell says, "it keeps the intensity on your muscle the entire time."

Never Rush Recovery

  • You get the biggest spike in calories burned when your body is forced to transition from a state of rest to a state of full-on activity, Campbell says. "Even if you feel like you can go all out again after just 30 seconds, you're still better off waiting the extra minute and then pushing yourself even harder."

Go Gradually Outdoors

  • "When running outside, start with 50 percent of your top speed on your first interval. Go up to 60 or 70 percent on the next and so on." Push your body as hard as you can as you get into the groove of the workout, says Campbell.

Don't Count . . . Sprint!

  • "You should never feel duty-bound to do two intervals today, three the next time you work out, and four the time after that. The overall intensity of the intervals you complete is more important than how many you do in any given workout."

Fast Fact: You can burn 500 calories by running ten 100-yard sprints.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Motivating Quotes

Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it. (Burmese Saying).......... They can because they think they can. (Virgil)......... Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. (Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tony Horton Thought of The Day

Posted at
Most people these days don't seem to respond to gentle prodding. Our problems stem from too much coddling and our delusional sense of entitlement. You have to earn respect, success and health - and that comes from hard work, thinking outside of the box and finding mentors you trust who will push you outside of your comfort zone.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lose Belly Fat For The New Year

How To Lose Belly Fat – The Guide, posted at
The strategy involves both diet and exercise – nothing new there. However, it entails 2 unique ways of going about it.

The Diet – Become a Fat-Burner
Low-carbohydrate nutrition is the most-effective way of shedding pounds of fat from the body.


Basically, the body burns energy in the following order:

1.Carbohydrate (from food and stored glycogen)
2.Fat (from food and bodyfat)
3.Protein (from food and muscle tissue)
If you eat what most government guidelines recommend you eat, you are a carb-burner. It then becomes obvious that in order to become a fat-burner, you should remove the current primary energy source i.e. carbohydrate.

When you do this, your body takes a few days to flip a ‘metabolic switch’ and become a fat-burning machine. At that point, the fat you eat gets consumed first, and then you start burning away bodyfat as your primary source of energy. Obviously, you don’t therefore consume copious amounts of fat, and you don’t need to go zero carb to benefit. Anything under 100 grams of carbs a day is considered ‘low-carb’, but ideally under 60 grams would produce great results.

On low-fat diets (which by nature are high-carb diets), when your ‘food calories’ are gone, the body will burn a mixture of both fat and muscle tissue (protein). As muscle is ‘metabolically active’ — it burns calories all day long just by being there — losing it is a disaster for the dieter. Their metabolism will continually slow down over time.

This is one of the main reasons why low-fat diets very often produce temporary results: you lose weight for a while, but then it stops working (as your metabolism has crashed) and you pile it back on – and then some!

The Exercise
Loads and loads of cardio, right? Wrong.

Overdoing cardiovascular exercise will also put your body in a state where it breaks down lean muscle tissue (catabolism). So the question is, how do we complement our fat-burning nutritional strategy with fat-burning exercise.

It’s called ‘Interval Training’, or more specifically ‘High Intensity Interval Training’. The idea is to perform some sort of cardio in ‘fits and starts’ i.e. a period of lower intensity followed by a period of higher intensity.


Research shows that this type of work burns more fat than steady-state cardio, typically by about 50%. In fact, one study showed a 9 fold increase in fat loss for HIIT compared to low-medium intensity cardio.

Also, with respect to belly fat in particular, research has shown (though the reason is not clear at this time) that HIIT can produce more fat loss in this area than other parts of the body. An Australian study found that the HIIT group lost 3 times more fat and significantly more belly fat than the steady-state cardio group who actually exercised for twice as long!

The even better news is that HIIT need only be performed for 10-20 minutes at a time.

Hopefully you can see that these unique approaches to diet and nutrition will work synergistically to produce truly effective fat-loss:

1.Get your body to burn fat for energy.
2.Then add exercise that will utilize the most fat possible.
There’s obviously more to talk about on this topic, but a single post doesn’t permit me to get into it all. I hope you enjoyed it and if nothing else, you feel inspired to find any weight-loss program that you feel you can work with to bring permanent results.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hidden Fat in "Health" Food

Hidden Fat in "Health" Food and Hidden Nutrients in "Bad" Food
Are you destroying your diet with these fattening foods masquerarding as healthy? Be bad instead. This article was found online at

Can't figure out why you aren't losing weight? You might think that healthy, low-fat, low-calorie, flavorless whipped Styrofoam you're eating is good for you, but there are secret ways that the foods you think are healthy are actually sabotaging your diet. We spoke to Amy Jamieson-Petonic, creator of the Go! Foods for You nutrition program about what "healthy" foods can throw a wrench into your fitness goals.

But there's a bright side too. Some of those "bad" foods you avoid like the plague actually pack a nutritious punch. So, drop the turkey burger, grab a frosty brew and reap the healthy benefits of indulging (in moderation, of course).

Five supposedly healthy foods that can sabotage your diet
Green tea itself is good for you, but some of the ones at your local grocer are packed with so much sugar that they could have drastic side effects. “Those types of sugars increase inflammation in the body,” says Jamieson-Petonic, which may then affect sexual function. Look for teas without sweetener.

“Many of them are just glorified candy bars, given the added sugars and fats that they have,” Jamieson-Petonic says. Look for bars that are 150 calories or less, made with only a few (pronounceable) ingredients—yes to fruits and nuts, no to items like “propylene glycol.” Skip any bars made with enriched flour, which is stripped of all the bran that’s good for you.

“A lot of times, soy milk is sweetened with evaporated cane juice,” Jamieson-Petonic says, which adds six times the amount of sugar as in the unsweetened varieties.

Two rights seem to make a wrong in this case. Often the yogurts used to coat the raisins have palm oil, which is full of saturated fat. “Yogurt raisins can be about as unhealthy as a hamburger, with all the saturated fats and cholesterol,” she says.

Often, store-bought ground turkey contains not only white meat but also dark meat, which is high in fat. Look for turkey that is ground with white meat or breast meat only. “To put things in perspective, I’ve seen lean ground beef with as low as 4.5 grams of saturated fat per 3-ounce serving,” she says, “and ground turkey mixed with light and dark meat with as much as 17 grams of fat for the same serving size.”

Five foods that don’t deserve their bad rap (when consumed in moderation)
Dark (not milk) chocolate that’s at least 70% cacao improves the elasticity of blood vessels, which improves blood flow, reduces the chance of stroke, and helps you maintain healthy blood pressure.

Coffee has been shown to have some cardiovascular benefits, Jamieson-Petonic says. And taking it black, not with milk and sugar, might also play a role in preventing type-2 diabetes, improving memory, and providing antioxidants. She recommends no more than three cups a day.

This starchy vegetable is high in carbs, but it’s the good kind (complex) that provides sustained energy to your system. Eat one before your workout—its B vitamins will provide longer-lasting energy.

If you’re working out longer than an hour, you need sodium to replace electrolytes lost through sweat—but no more than 3,000 milligrams a day.

Two cold ones a day have essential B vitamins. If you’re counting calories, light beer is a good option. “And if it’s a darker lager beer, it’s going to have lutein, which helps eyesight,” says Joy Dubost, R.D., “and soluble fiber that’s good for your heart.”

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Abs for the New Year

So you want to kick your fitness plan up a notch for New Year? Is carving up a 6 pack included in your New Year's goal? Obviously its not easy, and requires a lot of hard work and dedication. There is a great deal of info out there available to help you accomplish your goal. But let's go a step further and take a look at what may be working against you. Just maybe this can help you prepare a winning plan, and turn your gut into shredded wheat for 2012!

"10 Reasons You Don't Have Abs"
written by Shannon Clark and posted at

10. Low-muscle tone
The first reason you don't have abs is simple: a shortage of muscle. While everyone has a degree of abdominal development, some people simply have very little of it. The larger your ab muscles are, the more the muscle will be able to show definition through your body fat, and therefore, the more ripped you'll look. Start performing heavy-weighted ab work to overcome this problem. Weighted decline sit-ups work perfectly

9. It's not in your genes
Another reason you don’t have abs is that you simply don't have the genetics for it. Some people are naturally prone to carry more abdominal fat, and even if they get down to leaner levels with ripped arms and legs, the abs still don't show through. Couple that with the fact that genetics plays a principal role in determining the shape of the abs and the way they look on the body, and you'll realize that if you have genetics working against you, toning your abs is going to be an uphill battle.

8. You're not drinking enough water
In today's world of fast food and excessively processed foods, water retention is the norm. If you have a high-sodium diet and you're not drinking enough water throughout the day, you can bet your looks will be hindered by what you consume. Up your water intake to at least 10 glasses a day and put down the saltshaker. You'll see noticeable differences in two to three days' time.

7. You're not sleeping enough
Do you find yourself staying late at work and vowing to sleep in on the weekend to make up for it? If you're hoping for six-pack abs, you'll have to rethink that strategy. Lack of sleep causes increased cortisol to surge through your system, and this potent hormone actually encourages the accumulation of stomach fat. Get to bed earlier. Not only will you see belly benefits because of it, but you'll be more productive during the day so you won't have to stay so late in the first place.

6. You need more carbs
If you're like many people, you think removing the carbs from your plate is the fastest way to get lean. Unfortunately, that's often not the case. Low-carb diets may be useful for fat loss, but following a very low-carb diet for a long time will cause you nothing but problems. Certain fat-fighting hormones begin to change when your carb intake is too low, and this actually causes your metabolism to shut down. When your metabolism slows, you end up burning so few calories over the course of the day that fat loss becomes next to impossible. Go high-carb once a week to keep the balance steady. Your abs will thank you.

5. You're too focused on abs
Some men who have a six-pack as their goal focus the greater part of their workout on training the abdominal muscle group. Sadly, this focus only drives them further away from their goal. Since the ab muscles are very small, they're hardly going to burn any calories at all (per minute of exercise). Instead, try to focus on compound movements. These work the abs in the course of greater stabilization exercises, and, in the process, they burn 10 times the calories any crunch will.

4. You have poor abdominal control
Abdominal control doesn't end when you finish a workout. If you train your abs hard in the gym but then let them relax the rest of the day, you're making a critical error. Instead, focus on keeping them tight and pulled in at all times. Eventually it will become a habit and you'll immediately look leaner.

3. You drink too much
Headed out for another Friday night with the guys? Before you order another beer at half time, think about its effect on your six-pack goal. As soon as it enters the body, alcohol immediately puts the brakes on fat loss, which means each beer really slows down your progress. Drinking too much too often can also encourage fat to develop around the stomach area, making your job that much harder. While you may take some ribbing when you ask for water, you'll render your buddies speechless next time you cross paths with them at the gym.

2. You're too stressed
Just like lack of sleep, high levels of stress also induce the release of cortisol and quickly cause fat gain in the belly area. If you lead a high-stress lifestyle and feel chronic tension, not only are you encouraging stomach fat accumulation, but you're also risking the loss of lean muscle mass. If you want to stay ripped everywhere else and move closer to a six-pack, you must control your stress.

1. You binge eat
Even the best of us crack under the pressure of too long on a strict diet. If you're trying to stick with a regimen far too low in calories and carbs, it won't be long before you hit the buffet with a vengeance. When binge eating rears its head in your diet plan, have a good look at the regimen you're following and be sure you're consuming enough calories. A very low-calorie diet is the chief reason why most men binge. Your intake must be appropriate to your size and activity level. Low calorie is good, but too few calories will leave you hungry for a binge.