Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Build Bigger Arms

This is from the blog "The Blog of Jimmy Smith"  at tips.  #7 is my favorite.

13 Tips to Build Bigger Arms:

1. Realize that your triceps account for about 65% of your total arm size and work on them more. Personally my triceps recover quicker then my biceps so I have zero problem with training them twice a week.
2. I’ve found that my arms respond best when I train them twice per week. More volume leads to more growth. Hit them with high reps on one day and lower reps on another day.

3. Keep it simple. Close grip bench press, dips and skullcrushers rock for triceps and bicep curls and close grip pull-ups are the best for biceps. Get used to them and do it often if you want bigger arms.

4. Finish off your arm workouts with higher reps cable work. It brings more blood to your arms and helps with active recovery. Best of all, it makes your arms look bigger instantly.
5. Train your forearms. Seriously, people ignore that they’ll enhance size in your biceps just like increasing the size of your shoulders will make your triceps look huge from the side.

6. When in doubt, train your arms on the same day. If you want bigger arms then your entire goal at least once a week must be to hit them together.

7. Strive to increase your pull-up and bench press numbers. If you get stronger there then your arms have to grow.

8. Don’t waste your time on silly old-school movements like concentration curls and kickbacks.

9. Make sure to not let the weight snap down. A controlled eccentric is fantastic trick to rapidly build bigger arms.

10. Make it a point to train your arms with reps around four to six. They’ll do nothing but help increase the size and strength there.
11. Keep your sets around nine for the biceps and nine for the triceps. Ignore the magazine workouts of fifteen set bicep blitzes.

12. Learn to love not being able to move your arms for a day or two after you train them.

13. If you want bigger arms then you’ll have to eat big on the day that you train them. No if, ands or buts about it.