Sunday, May 31, 2009

You Are What You Eat

I once had a weight lifting coach who would say, ''you are what you eat." He would say it all the time. He would go on to explain that you are going to cheat yourself by giving maximum effort in the gym, and then eat poorly. This makes sense as we all know that diet is important in reaching our fitness goals. Sometimes I think we believe that we are disciplined with our diet, when we really aren't. "Oh I can have that double bacon cheeseburger with fries because after all, I did have a salad today"....I have said that a few times. I'm not saying a cheeseburger every now and again is bad, in fact moderation can be key. But it's when we start negotiating with ourselves is when we may be coming up short with our diet. Do you think a race car team owner would ever say, "you know, we have been running race fuel all season long. Let's just run regular pump gas this time." Probably not because that would put his team at a disadvantage with low grade fuel. just like we put ourselves at a disadvantage when we eat bad.

Food for thought:

  • Sugar that doesn't get burned, gets stored as fat. How much sugar did you put in your coffee this morning?
  • Is this food going to help me reach my fitness goals?
  • Fast food doesn't cut six packs.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am going to start by breaking down a couple of quotes that you may have heard before. The first was once said by Woody Allen, "80 percent of life is just showing up." I find this to be very relevant to those who are trying to achieve any fitness goal because fitness requires the engagement of an activity. Therefore If we don't show up at the gym, then we don't accomplish anything toward our goal. it's too easy to say I don't have time or I will start tomorrow, but when does tomorrow come? Sometimes making time for the gym and showing up is the most difficult part of achieving our fitness objectives.

The Second quote is from Deon Sanders who said,"Look good, you feel good, you feel good, you play good, you play good, you get paid good." Neon Deon hits on two motivations in this quote that we have to work out. Typically we work out to look better or feel better or both. In addition to looking better or feeling better, achieving fitness goals can really boost one's confidence. This disposition can lead to a more positive outlook on life, and perhaps a more rewarding one as well.

In this blog I will be sharing fitness tips, ideas, opinions, information, motivation and maybe some humor to help you achieve your fitness goals. I certainly do not have all of the answers, but will share things that myself or others have found to be useful.

Thank you for reading.